
There’s little that is more important to working in a person-centred setting than good care planning. This short course will serve as a refresher to an experienced practitioner about the importance of care planning, and as an introduction of the concept to a practitioner who is new to role. This course may also be of benefit to a manager of a care team with responsibility for care planning.
Price £28

This short course will consider the importance of communication and how to help someone who is progressively losing their ability to communicate. Explore some of the techniques you can use to encourage communication – including body language and physical contact. View tips on responding to someone who is struggling to express themselves and coping with the frustration this can cause.
Price £28

As a home care worker, you will likely be expected to perform domestic tasks that the person you support would struggle to complete on their own. These may be tasks you’re familiar and comfortable with, or you might need a bit of guidance. Learn how to complete common domestic tasks, such as cooking a quick meal or making the bed …
Price £28

The introduction of the duty of candour is a major change in health and social care and this short course will introduce practitioners to what is expected of them under the duty.
Refresh your knowledge if you are already familiar with the duty or gain knowledge for the first time if you are responsible for applying the policy that guarantees this at the setting.
Price £28

Caring for someone who is approaching the end of their life is one of the most important responsibilities in healthcare and whether you’re an experienced practitioner, or new to the role, it can be an emotional and challenging time. You need to feel ready for this responsibility and this short course will help you to understand best practice in palliative care.
Price £28

As a health and social care practitioner, you will likely interact with relatives and visitors on a regular basis. This aspect of your role can be very rewarding, but it can also be challenging at times. This short course will help you to understand what family members and friends are experiencing when visiting someone they care about in a …
Price £28

This short course, aimed at a health and social care professional, looks at national and local policies for infection control and how to cut down the risk of an outbreak of infection. Learn how to use Personal Protection Equipment correctly and the importance of good personal hygiene.
Price £28

This short course, aimed at a health and social care professional, explores the roles and responsibilities of the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Every health and social care setting in the country must meet fundamental standards of quality and safety. Consider the importance of …
Price £28

This short course is aimed at a health and social care professional who has responsibility for handling medicines. Learn about good practice in the systems and processes for managing medicines in care homes. Understand the benefits and risks associated with medication, and the consequences of administering medicines incorrectly or not keeping accurate records.
Price £28

This short course is about personal development in a care setting. It is aimed at practitioners who want to take steps to become a manager, and those who want to develop in their current role. Care settings can be transformed by effective management and workers who commit themselves to being the best. Learn what makes someone a good manager …
Price £28

This short course is about attracting and hiring staff who have the right attributes to be a valued and effective member of the team. Learn about employment regulations and laws all employers must follow, and industry specific legislation. Understand the stages of hiring a new employee up until their first day and know which pre-employment checks need to be carried out for the role. This short course is aimed at people …
Price £28

This short course looks at local and national guidelines for safeguarding adults. Learn about the principles of safeguarding, positive care provision, and person-centred care. Protecting people’s health, wellbeing, and human rights should be at the heart of every good care setting. Your setting will have safeguarding policies and procedures and you should know and understand these, as well as legislation that informs them.
Price £28

The Mental Capacity Act of 2005 was written to protect and restore power to vulnerable people who lack capacity, and to empower those in health and social care to assess capacity themselves. Everyone working with, and caring for, an adult (aged 16 and over and living in England / Wales) who may lack capacity to make particular decisions must comply with this Act and its Codes of Practice. This short course, aimed at …
Price £28

This short course is aimed at care home staff. Everyone has a right to complain, it may sometimes feel unfair, but it’s important to put yourself in the shoes of the resident or relative who is unhappy. Even in the best care homes, things go wrong and people need to be able to complain about poor practice so improvements can be made. Learn about different types of complaints, why people complain, and the complaints process.
Price £28

This short course is aimed at a health and social care professional who offers support and care for people with dementia. It would also be of benefit to any person trying to gain a better understanding of the ‘dementia journey’. This course will help you learn how to recognise and understand what dementia means, to see the person and not the illness, and to find ways to help people live well.
Price £28

Prevention is always better than cure; by ensuring the individuals you support are eating and drinking well you can minimise the risks of pressure ulcers and other conditions. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of malnutrition, dehydration, and pressure ulcers. Be introduced to the ‘Eatwell guide’ and look at how to encourage those who are experiencing a loss of appetite to stay well nourished.
Price £28

There is a common perception that dementia is related to ageing, but this is not always the case. Younger onset dementia is defined as dementia diagnosed before age 65. It can be diagnosed very early in someone’s 50’s, 40’s, or even as early as 30’s. Learn about the ‘Wellbeing’ model of dementia and how to support someone who has younger onset dementia to live well. This course is ideal for those caring for a loved one, a care professional, or a practitioner in a supported living environment.
Price £28