
Learn how to create a themed indoor environment that gives children the opportunity to explore, both independently and with adult guidance. ‘A magical place to learn’ takes fairy tales as the starting point for a variety of exciting activities and experiences. Upon completion of the course, you will have the tools, confidence, and enthusiasm to create your own themed space and bring your ideas to life.
Price £28

Every child or young person is an individual and will develop skills in their own way, and in their own time. However, we can say it’s normal to develop a certain skill within a given time span and these are known as ‘developmental norms’. Consider the stages of development from birth to 19 years, as well as the influences upon a child’s life that could affect their ability to develop according to expected norms.
Price £28

Helping children develop the skills necessary to support mathematical learning, problem-solving, and relating numeracy to everyday life is a crucial part of being an educator. Understand the importance of numeracy skills to future achievement and self-esteem. Learn techniques that demonstrate the relevance of numeracy to daily life, classroom strategies to develop numeracy skills, and tasks and activities you can use.
Price £28

It’s important children learn from the earliest age to value differences between people and be inclusive. Educators play a vital role in this process and have a legal duty to promote equality within learning environments. Learn about legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity, and discrimination. Know how to work in an inclusive way and respect the culture and beliefs of others.
Price £28

This short course explores fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. All schools have a duty to actively promote these values. Learn what fundamental British values are, their importance, and how they can be actively promoted in education and childcare.
Price £28

This short course is about attracting and hiring staff who have the right attributes to be a valued and effective member of the team. Learn about employment regulations and laws all employers must follow, and industry-specific legislation. Understand the stages of hiring a new employee up until their first day and know which pre-employment checks need to be carried out for the role.
Price £28

The move to secondary school means a number of major changes for children. Some children feel settled and happy in the new school relatively quickly, but others take a while to adapt to the new routine and environment. Understand the experience of moving schools and how best to support children at this time. Learn about key transition difficulties and how to alleviate fear and teach resilience.
Price £28

In every classroom, the child does the learning, the teacher facilitates that learning, and the environment must support them both. This course looks at how Reception and Key Stage 1 classrooms can inspire education. This short course, aimed at those working with children in a classroom setting (Foundation and Key Stage 1), looks at the impact the classroom can have on a child’s learning and development.
Price £28

This CACHE endorsed short course explores safeguarding and its importance in a childcare setting. Learn about types and possible signs of abuse, policies and procedures for reporting concerns, whistleblowing, and explore the document ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused’ (DfE). The course is intended for learners working in nursery settings, or with school-aged children and young people.
Price £28

This CACHE endorsed short course will explore the effect of the syndrome on the individual who has it. It introduces you to the areas that a person with Asperger syndrome might struggle with and provides resources to help understand how they interact with, and interpret, the world around them. This course is intended for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of the syndrome.
Price £28

This CACHE endorsed short course will explore Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and is suitable for those working with children and young people. Learning explains the difference between ADHD and ADD and helps you to spot the signs and symptoms of ADHD, understand the causes, and provide children, young people, and their families with accurate information and guidance.
Price £28

This short course explores some of the safety issues relating to the use of the internet, particularly by children. Internet usage has increased enormously, but so have reports of the safeguarding issues linked to abuses of internet communication. You will be introduced to some of the risks and dangers, and how to deal with them – including where to report online concerns and risks.
Price £28

This CACHE endorsed short course explores ‘The Prevent Duty’, and is suitable for those working in schools and childcare settings. Prevent is part of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy, preventing people from becoming involved in, or supporting, terrorism. Consider what the Prevent duty means for practitioners, how to comply with the duty, and where to find advice and support about protecting children from the risks of radicalisation.
Price £28

A recent NHS report found that 24% of pupils in Years 7-11 had taken drugs. Awareness of substance misuse is, therefore, essential for anyone who works with young people. Learn about the most commonly misused substances, the reasons why young people take drugs, and the effects on health. Understand how schools can help prevent substance misuse, and how to encourage a responsible attitude to legal substances.
Price £28

More than 1 in 100 people in the UK are on the autism spectrum so it’s likely that you will be supporting children with Autism in early years settings, schools, colleges, and care provisions. Learn common signs of Autism, how the condition affects children across a range of developmental areas and ages, and interventions and approaches that can help.
Price £28

AfL is a commitment to learning and progression at school – tailored to individual needs. Gain an understanding of how AfL is used to at schools, and how it can encourage learning. Know how to support learners and encourage self-reflection. This is aimed at learning support practitioners.
Price £28

The emotional effects of being bullied at school can last a lifetime, and be detrimental to academic performance and attendance. Understand the different types of bullying, the signs to look out for, and how and when you should intervene. Learn how schools can help to prevent bullying and talk to children and young people about cyberbullying.
Price £28

We all experience stress at some point in our lives, and for many of us, living busy lives with high-pressure jobs increases our risk of experiencing stress regularly. This course helps you to understand how the body reacts to stress, how it can affect health, and most importantly, how to manage stress. This course has specific advice for teaching staff.
Price £28

This course will help teachers and teaching assistants to create, find, and adapt learning resources for different learning styles and needs. Learn about copyright for education and sharing resources online. Explore digital technology in the classroom and creating sustainable resources. Know how to prepare for different learning needs, such as EAL and SEN.
Price £28

Schools play a vital role in helping children and young people to become environmentally conscious adults, and one of the best ways to do this is leading by example. Learn about the carbon footprint of schools (including waste, travel, purchasing, and energy), ways to reduce the negative impact of your school on the environment, and the additional benefits of doing this.
Price £28

There are over one million learners in UK schools who speak English as an Additional Language (British Council) and students speak over 350 languages between them (NALDIC). It’s very likely you will have EAL learners in your classroom and you must be able to support, encourage, and include them in ways that meet their individual needs. Learn the main principles of EAL teaching, and approaches and strategies for EAL learners.
Price £28