Join us for free TiEGr monthly webinars for early years practitioners and educators.

 In CPD, Early Years, TiEGr updates

Join us at our monthly free TiEGr CPD webinars for early years practitioners and educators.
In August TiEGr started delivering monthly free CPD webinars based upon the EYFS and the iCQ Level 3 Diplomas for Early Years Educators. Our partners, EBEA (Egypt) and Teaching Table (Pakistan), are hosting the webinars in preparation for starting delivery of iCQ early years qualifications this autumn.

Our webinars are a great way to update your early years and teaching CPD whilst finding out about the excellent iCQ early years qualifications which are a ‘Licence to Practise’ in the UK.

Join us, on Thursday, October 6th, at our next webinar on which is titled ‘Creative Activities in Early Years.’ To register, for either the 14:00 or 17:30 (UK time), webinar please either email us or click the relevant link below to complete the form.

14:00 hosted by Teaching Table (Pakistan): registrations start September 11th Email [email protected] to register your interest

17:30 hosted by EBEA (Egypt): TiEGr Creative Activities in Early Years free CPD webinar October 6th

Follow the links to our TiEGr Facebook or TiEGr LinkedIn pages to keep up to date with event details.
Our next webinars are:

November Thursday 12th ‘Outdoor Play in Early Years’

December Thursday 10th ‘ Speech, Language and Communication in Early Years’

For further information about iCQ early years qualifications please email [email protected]
or call +44 (0) 7737 771816 (Sarah) / +44 (0) 7843 308219 (Jackie)

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